Immediate Implant Course with Practical Hands-on
Immediate Implant Course with Practical Hands-on
There are obvious reasons, why immediate implants should be a common-day practise. Yet, this treatment modality is often demonised and avoided.
Clear advantages of immediate implants include:
maintaining of pre-extraction soft tissue architecture
tooth-like soft tissue profile
less functional problems in posterior implants
more aesthetic result in anterior region 5
faster treatment for patients and dentist
During this full-day course you will learn about following topics:
clinical case selection and treatment planning
atraumatic tooth extraction
extraction socket classification
implant selection
the 3D positioning of the implant
achieving primary stability
a 1 stage surgical concept
bone augmentation during immediate implant placement
All participants will get to practice atraumatic extraction and immediate implant placement on specially designed models. There will be a demonstration of individual healing abutment fabrication.
Further details about the course topics:
1- Clinical case selection and treatment planning:
what is a “hopeless” tooth?
vertical root fracture: metal and ceramic post and core
roentgenology as a diagnostic tool: which method to chose?
2- Atraumatic tooth extraction:
the importance of an intact buccal wall for bone and soft tissue stability
atraumatic teeth extraction instruments and methods
flapless atraumatic surgery: pros and cons
3- Extraction socket classification
4- Implant selection:
bone, tissue level implant types
implant thread design and surface treatment
a conical prosthetic connection: a must in modern implant dentistry
5- The 3D positioning of the implant:
prosthetically driven implantology
implant positioning in the aesthetic zone
implant positioning at the premolar area
implant positioning at the molar area
6- Achieving primary stability:
using surgical anatomy to achieve proper primary stability
7- A 1 stage surgical concept:
natural immergence profile: how to use it to our advantage?
healing abutment selection
individual healing abutment: when to use it and when can we go with standard healing abutments?
The disadvantages of having 2 stage surgery: the need for a mucco periosteal flap and rapture of the periost
8- Bone augmentation during immediate implant placement:
allogenic and xenogenic materials
autogenic denting as grafting material
9- PRF:
Does PRF enhances healing?
Hard tissue defects using PRF
Poncho technique
10- temporarization:
Indications and contraindications for immediate loading
Occlusal requirements for immediate loading
Direct/ indirect temporary restorations
Extracted tooth as a temporary restoration
TIME: 19.02.2022 9:00-18:00
LOCATION: Proimplant apmācības telpās (Bolero centrs, Lielirbes iela 27, Rīga)
PRICE: 400 EUR + VAT with a 25% discount to 300 EUR + VAT until 31.01.2022
Saistībā ar valstī noteiktajiem Covid-19 ierobežojumiem, vēlamies atgādināt, ka pasākuma laikā būs jālieto sejas aizsargmaskas (maskas tiks nodrošinātas).
Dr Avi Kuperschlag
Dr. Kuperschlag graduated from Vilnius University with a degree in oral surgery. Since 2018, he has mainly practiced oral surgery and complex surgeries. Dr. Kuperschlag has been using Densah drills for many years and is a licensed osseodensisation trainer. Dr. Kuperschlag is a recognized lecturer and opinion leader for implant systems. Over the last four years, Dr. Kuperschlag has been a lecturer in a number of trainings, especially on implant placement.